Past and present clients include:
- Academy for Housing
- Association of Charity Officers
- Bournemouth Law Society
- Brighton and Hove City Council
- Brighton Housing Trust
- Care for the Carers
- Catalyst HA
- Central Law Training
- Citizens Advice
- College of Law
- Crawley Borough Council
- Eastbourne Homes
- Family Mediation in Sussex
- Income Max
- International Citizens Service
- LBL Skills
- London Borough of Lambeth
- London Borough of Sutton
- Network Homes
- Perennial (Occupation Benevolent Fund)
- Progressive Legal Training
- Rett UK
- Saxon Weald
- Southdown Housing Association
- Sussex Law Society
- Terrence Higgins Trust
- Thames Valley HA
- The Disabilities Trust
- The Institute of Chartered Secretaries Association
- The Institute of Civil Engineers
- Town and Country Housing Group
- Turn2us
- West Sussex County Council
- Worthing Churches Homeless Project
- Worthing Homes
Courses provided for these clients include all aspects of Universal Credit; annual updating; introductory level training for new staff; rolling programmes of updating for experienced staff; seminars on welfare reform; benefits and mental health; conference workshops; mentoring for support workers; ongoing casework consultancy.
What they say – all quotes from post-course evaluation surveys:
‘The trainer is brilliant. Do not let her get away; you need to keep hold of her! She is clear, engaging and easy to understand. I don’t think anyone else could have explained this matter in such an interesting and honest way’ (BHT staff member, UC course)
‘Excellent trainer, thorough, focused, patient yet appropriately boundaried ‘ (Housing support worker, PIP course)
‘I’ve always found benefits baffling and a bit scary. I now feel a lot more confident and understand what my clients are going through.’ (Mental health worker, ESA course)
‘Jayne was a great tutor – very friendly and approachable. The course has really helped me to make sense of the system.’ (Family mediator – Welfare Reform Update course)
‘I went on Jayne’s course last year. I followed her advice and was able to help one of my clients get attendance allowance. That was a real achievement -the income has made all of the difference to her and she is able to manage her disability a lot better with this additional financial help. I am recommending all of my colleagues to come on this course!’ (Sheltered scheme manager, Benefits for Older People course)
‘Jayne Knights is one of my favourite trainers. Her handouts are set out brilliantly for my line of work’ (BHT staff member, UC course)